Dr. Leanne Lipton
An animal hospital in Silver Spring MD that provides general veterinary medicine & holistic modalities
​Contact Us: 301.593.3749​
Foundation Treatment Program
Dr. Lipton has combined acupuncture, chiropratic and nutrition into a Foundation Treatment Program to approach a variety of ailements.
Acupuncture involves a number of procedures that stimulate anatomical points of the body using the insertion of needles to produce a healing response. Acupuncture is indicated for functional problems such as those that involve neurologic deficits, inflammation, hormone imbalances, pain, and organ dysfunction. Examples of conditions that can be treated include asthma, allergies, arthritis, dermatitis and much more.
Chiropractic is the practice of spinal manipulation or manual therapy. It is applied functional neurology. Chiropractic services can be used to enhance performance, function and quality of life of the animal, as well as promote overall health and wellness. It too can be used to treat allergies, back issues, arthritis, neurologic conditions, behavioral problems, etc.
Nutritional Consulting
Appropriate nutrition plays a key role in the quality of life and longevity of your pet. Research has shown that proper nutrition can increase the average life span. The proper diet is important for your pet and should be based on age, temperament, health condition, breed, and seasonality. Diet can significantly improve your pet's overall health, including allergies, longevity, arthritis, behavior, and others.
Why is this treatment good for your pet?
Improved quality of life
Better immune system function
Reduction of pain
Possible longer lifespan
Preventing or reducing cancer
Better performance for the animal athlete
Combined, these therapies can be effective in the treatment of the following conditions:
Digestive trouble
Eye problems
Back pain
Cardiac diseases
Endocrine disorders
Kidney & liver disease
Musculoskeletal problems
Neurologic diseases
Behavioral problems
Other sources of pain